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Private Sector Action on the SDGs is Imperative


A look at why – and how – HSA Group is prioritising the United Nations SDGs, and positive social and economic impact.

By HSA Group

When the UN adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, they were cause for optimism – they were more ambitious than their predecessors and mobilized private sector support to an unprecedented degree. Nearly a decade later, however, progress is faltering. 

Last year, the UN revealed that half of the SDG’s 140 targets had “moderate or severe deviations” and 30% had stagnated or regressed. UN leadership has also acknowledged that the SDGs “will fail without private sector support,” while studies have shown that despite lofty pledges, true private sector action is lacking. With time running out to accomplish the goals by 2030, concerted action from the public, private, and third sectors is imperative.

In this setting, HSA Group is leading by example. Throughout its 85-year history, we have adopted a values-led approach driven by the philosophy set by our founders: a belief in doing well by doing good. This philosophy informs our approach to supporting the SDGs, ensuring we deliver positive impact everywhere we operate.

SDG 2: Zero Hunger

As a leading food manufacturer and importer, HSA Group supports food security and nutrition across our communities. Drawing inspiration from our home market of Yemen, where 90% of food is imported, HSA Group advocates for increased investment in economic development as a means of improving self-sufficiency and reducing reliance on imported goods or aid. This extends from major public-private partnerships to working with smallholder producers to professionalise their operations.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

HSA Group employs over 35,000 people globally. We recognise the contribution of the private sector to the economies where we operate and nurture human capital by investing in lifelong education, skills, and training. Our graduate scheme, internal initiatives, and upskilling programmes underscore our commitment, as does our recognition as a Top Employer in the MENA region.

SDG 9: Industries, Innovation and Infrastructure

HSA Group has long been a believer in purpose-led innovation that responds to community needs. As a result, we have developed an in-depth understanding of the markets where the Group operates, adapting to meet the immediate and evolving needs of local communities while fostering sustainable development in the long-term. HSA Group also invests in infrastructure, improving access to food and ensuring the free flow of goods. We recently built or repaired over 140 bridges and roads and invested in renewable energy as we future-proof communities in the face of climate change.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Finally, HSA Group is guided by the knowledge that progress depends on partnerships. That’s why collaboration is at the centre of our work as a company and a champion of the SDGs. We’ve joined forces with countless organizations – including various UN agencies – to amplify our impact and through these partnerships, in just three years, we have invested more than US$40 million and reached more than 8 million beneficiaries.

As we confront an increasingly uncertain world, the need for investment in sustainable development is urgent. To ensure we leave a world worthy of generations to come, HSA Group will continue to invest in the SDGs. We invite you to join us.


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